
This email is to announce a new website on Organic Apple Production called "OrganicA" located at: <http://www.uvm.edu/organica>http://www.uvm.edu/organica

It is part of a multi-state project funded by the USDA Integrated Organic Program which involves research, extension/outreach, and academic education on organic apple production. The project is relatively new; its various components are described at: <http://www.uvm.edu/~organica/OrganicAProject/welcome.html>http://www.uvm.edu/~organica/OrganicAProject/welcome.html ..

The OrganicA website is in its 'infancy'. We sincerely invite your input and comments on how we can develop the website to fit your needs as a resource of information. We also would like to know what your priorities are for organic apple research and extension. There is an on-line input/evaluation form on the website. Your response will be anonymous unless you indicate your name or email address.

Thank you in advance for your input and comments on how we can develop the website to best address the needs of organic apple growers.

If you would like to be placed on an email list to receive notification when new items are added to the website, please send me an email ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) indicating you would like to be on the OrganicA email list.

Best regards,

Lorraine P. Berkett
OrganicA Project Coordinator


Lorraine P. Berkett, Ph.D.

Plant Pathologist  &  IPM Specialist

Department of Plant & Soil Science

Hills Building,   105 Carrigan Drive

University of Vermont

Burlington, VT 05405

phone:  802/656-0972

fax:  802/656-4656




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