Mo, I think you meant Glen Koehler? I'm surprised he hasn't weighed in. It would be great if he would put his slides from the talk up on the web.

One of the points he made is based on work done by Turner Sutton and Bob Unrath in NC. They found a number of problems with a relatively simple TRV approach, and suggested adjustments. One of their key findings was that "a 150 to 200 gallon rate should be considered a minimum in a conventional airblast sprayer". Their work showed that if you drop below that, efficacy starts to drop off.

NC has boiled down their recommendations:

On Jan 15, 2010, at 6:30 PM, Mo Tougas wrote:

My complements to David for a great analysis of some of the difficulties we face using the TRV formula. I would suggest that people consider purchase of the talk David Koleher gave at the NE Fruit and Veg Conf in December tittled "ABC's of TRV..." It is listed in the Tree Fruit II session. Cost is only $1.25 for an MP3 download.


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