Is anyone else on this list using Spectrum instruments to monitor weather and 
model disease? - I've had a 'Watchdog' for several years now, and yesterday had 
an anomaly, with complete disagreement and inconsistencies between the three 
scab models - 

The software uses models from Cornell, Washington State, and Mills (MI) - I'm 
used to Cornell being very conservative and WA being the opposite - this event, 
Cornell indicated 'infected', WA 'none', and Mills 'heavy' - I've never modeled 
an event with Mills being 'heavy' and WA 'none' - 

circumstances were such that we were cruising along in the lower 40'sF monday 
and then an overnight rain till 7AM tues morning  - a two hour dry period, 
followed by a rain, followed by the violent front (no damage here, but 
tremendous light show) - while that front was moving thru, temperatures rose 
above 50*F for about 6 hours, peaking at 56*, before declining back to the 
lower 40's again - 

to add to the mystery, if I model tuesday, from the two hour dry thru the end 
of the event, I get the 'infected', 'none', 'heavy' analysis from the program - 
if I run the model from the start of the rainy event monday so to include the 
rainy monday night/early tues thru the end of the event wednesday morning, the 
Mills model indicates 'light' infection (Cornell indicates 'infected', WA 
'none) - 

as a practical matter, at our stage of development, these temperatures, and 
specific schedule of the wet periods, I normally wouldn't worry much about scab 
infection - but seeing that 'heavy' infection indicated from the Mills model is 
disconcerting - 

dunno - any thoughts?

David Doud
grower, IN
apple-crop mailing list

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