There is a lot of labor involved with the production of apples. For US
growers to be competitive, this implies that the price of labor will have
to fall here in the US or the cost of labor in China will need to rise.
(not likely) Another factor is the cost of fumigation.(?) Shipping is not a
real factor as they will ship directly to the West Coast for less than 5
cents per pound. I Owned a pottery back in the 80's, and when China
starting shipping to the US, the wholesale prices of their pottery was
about what I had to pay for the raw ingredients. It was truly shocking.
China is the largest grower of apples, outproducing the US by 9 fold. Also,
they are great farmers and the apple is a native tree for them. This is big
trouble for the US grower.

On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 8:41 AM, Fleming, William <> wrote:

> To me it just seems strange that we would allow importing apples from any
> country when we depend on exports ourselves to market the excess amount of
> fruit we produce.
> Maybe I'm just looking at it with too much common sense.
> Then again many times in trade agreements allowing an import of a product
> is traded in exchange for export of another. Who knows, we might be trading
> apples for flip-flops.
> Doesn't benefit the apple grower but may benefit an entirely different
> industry, and a politician's campaign contributors.
> Bill Fleming
> Montana State University
> Western Ag Research Center
> 580 Quast Lane
> Corvallis, MT 59828
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:
>] On Behalf Of Mike Arvay
> Sent: Friday, August 15, 2014 8:26 AM
> To: Apple-crop discussion list
> Subject: [apple-crop] Apples From China?
> I'm curious on what the group thinks about this proposed amendment to the
> U.S. Fruit and Vegetable Regulation which will allow the import of apples
> into the U.S. from China.
> I don't want this to become a "All things from China are bad." thread.
> But I can see both negative and positive possibilities on allowing this.
> They do recommend additional measures and actions other than the standard
> Port of Entry Inspection.
> Thanks.
> Mike Arvay
> Small Grower in Central Indiana.
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