A few U-Pick customers are so brazen about their theft that they eat berries
and apples freely in front of me while coming out of the field toward the
register.  I also see them positively gorging in the field, as if this were
an AUCE establishment (we charge by the picked pound).  I am also troubled
that the most visible offenders are adults with children, teaching those
children that theft is okay.


What do you do to deter theft and improve moral conduct?  As a part of our
effort to awaken the conscience of our customers without offending or
implicating those who are already self controlled, we are considering
posting the following text on a tasteful sign at appropriate an location or

Feedback from you is welcome.  Other ideas are welcome too. 



Please feel free to taste the fruit so you can pick with confidence. Because
our fruit is also our livelihood, we ask that you please limit yourselves
and members of your party to a small sample, and enjoy the rest after
payment.  Thank you for your understanding and business! With your help, we
can continue to provide enjoyable U-Pick experiences for years to come.


The farmers-


Steven Bibula


Gorham Maine


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