UV light does not penetrate surfaces, so it could only kill what is on the 
surface and only what receives the required UV dosage.   Any bacterial in 
shadows created by limbs, leaves, branches, or flower parts would remain 
untreated, and in the case of fire blight, the rapid multiplication of the 
cells that escape would probably negate the value of the treatment pretty 
quickly.   I’m not an expert on UV, but I don’t see how it could be made 
practical in an orchard.  UV works best on clear liquids (as water or thin 
layers of apple juice going by UV treatment lamps) or on flat surfaces where 
shadowing is not an issue.

Also, from the Wikipedia article about UV-C, which is generally the most 
effective for killing microbes:  "For human beings, skin exposure to germicidal 
wavelengths of UV light can produce rapid sunburn and skin 
cancer<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skin_cancer>. Exposure of the eyes to this 
UV radiation can produce extremely painful inflammation of the 
cornea<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornea> and temporary or permanent vision 
impairment<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vision_impairment>, up to and 
including blindness<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blindness> in some cases. UV 
can damage the retina<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retina> of the eye."
Dave Rosenberger, Plant Pathologist,
Hudson Valley Lab, P.O. Box 727, Highland, NY 12528
    Cell:     845-594-3060

On Apr 19, 2016, at 4:55 PM, Hugh Thomas 
<hughthoma...@gmail.com<mailto:hughthoma...@gmail.com>> wrote:

A couple of ideas for you PhD/research types. How about using UV light to kill 
frost nucleating bacteria, or UV to kill the fire blight bacteria?  A light 
bank could be towed behind a tractor and the trees could be irradiated by UV 
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