I am trying to use the UPLOAD_HOOK in 2.06 to track the progress of the
upload. I understand the api doc. is out of sync, but from the Changes notes
I gathered something like the following should work:

my $req = Apache2::Request->new($r ,
                                UPLOAD_HOOK => sub {
                                        $log->info("PARAMS: " . join(',',
                                        my ($upload, $data_len) = @_;
                                        $size_received = $size_received +
                || $log->error("UP: could not create Apache2::Request");

Unfortunately it looks like my hook receives only one argument, the name of
the file being uploaded. The log_info above generates this:

[info] [client] PARAMS: 10M.bin,, 

I have also tried accessing $upload->size in the hook, without success -
$upload seems to be a scalar.
Any hint on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated!


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