Joe Schaefer wrote:
Franky Braem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Is there a step by step tutorial on how to implement a file upload in
an Apache module with apreq2? I'm trying to write mod_wxjs (JavaScript
and wxWidgets as server side script, more info on and I want to add a file upload functionality
(something like php).

Something like this:

  #include "httpd.h"
  #include "apreq_module.h"
  #include "apreq_param.h"
  #include "apreq_module_apache2.h"
  #include "apreq_util.h"

  apreq_handle_t *req;
  apreq_param_t *param;
  request_rec *r;

  ... initialize r ...

  req = apreq_handle_apache2(r);

  param = apreq_body_get(req, "name of upload widget");

  if (param == NULL) {
     /* error: missing field */
  else if (param->upload == NULL) {
     /* error: widget not an upload */
  else {

     /* have upload field */

     apr_table_t *info;      /* upload headers */
     apr_bucket_brigade *bb; /* upload contents */
     apr_bucket_t *e;

     info = param->info;
     /* DO SOMETHING with info */

     bb = apr_brigade_create(r->pool, r->connection->bucket_alloc);
     apreq_brigade_copy(bb, param->upload);

     while ((e = APR_BRIGADE_FIRST(bb)) != APR_BRIGADE_SENTINEL(bb)) {
         apr_size_t dlen;
         const char *data;
         apr_status_t s;
/* apr_bucket_read() has side effects on spool buckets, which
          * is why we read from a copy of the brigade - to conserve memory
         s = apr_bucket_read(e, &data, &dlen, APR_BLOCK_READ);

         if (s != APR_SUCCESS) {
             /* error: bad bucket read */
         else {
             /* DO SOMETHING with data, dlen */



I'm trying to integrate apreq2 into wxJS, but I get the following crash when trying to handle a request:

> apreq2.dll!apreq_filter_relocate(ap_filter_t * f=0x00000000) Line 48 + 0x3 bytes C apreq2.dll!get_apreq_filter(apreq_handle_t * handle=0x05b20938) Line 45 + 0xc bytes C apreq2.dll!apreq_handle_apache2(request_rec * r=0x015aaad0) Line 435 + 0x9 bytes C mod_wxjs.dll!wxjs_handler(request_rec * r=0x015aaad0) Line 287 + 0x9 bytes C++
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]()  + 0x1f bytes       

Is it possible to build libapreq2 with Visual Studio Express 2005?

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