Philip M. Gollucci wrote:

this one time in band camp Patrick Galbraith said on 10/29/06 16:26:


Speaking of which - how do you use gdb with mod_perl/libapreq? I'm used to using it and other debuggers (Visual Studio, etc, DDD with gdb, Xcode) with mysqld and DBD::mysql, but how do you attach it to a mod_perl script, httpd, mod_perl, libapreq (?) to see what's going on? I have libapreq working on OS X, but something is giving me a bus error and I'd like to know where that's coming from.

I believe you are looking for this:



Thanks millions! The crash I experienced was actually in DBD::mysql, which I was able to fix with your info. I will release 3.0009 this week!


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