Following up on the FAIL report for win32:

The new Apache-Test-1.29-RC2 runs the test suite for 2.08 just fine
(against mod_perl-2.0.3-RC2).  However, here the test suite can't load
mod_perl (also mod_perl-2.0.3-RC2) into the server properly:

E:\cpp\libapreq2-2.09\glue\perl>perl t\TEST -clean

E:\cpp\libapreq2-2.09\glue\perl>perl t\TEST -verbose t\api\cookie.t
t t\api\module.t t\api\param.t t\apreq\big_input.t t\apreq\cgi.t
t t\apreq\cookie2.t t\apreq\inherit.t t\apreq\upload.t
C:/Apache2/bin/httpd.EXE  -d E:/cpp/libapreq2-2.09/glue/perl/t -f
q2-2.09/glue/perl/t/conf/httpd.conf -D APACHE2 -D PERL_USEITHREADS
using Apache/2.2.3 (winnt MPM)

waiting 60 seconds for server to start: .[Thu Nov 09 10:21:58 2006]
[warn] Pas
nv variable PERL5LIB was undefined

waiting 60 seconds for server to start: ok (waited 0 secs)
server localhost:8529 started
t\api\cookie.........request has failed (the response code was: 404)
see t/logs/error_log for more details
        Test returned status 9 (wstat 2304, 0x900)
t\api\error..........request has failed (the response code was: 404)
see t/logs/error_log for more details
        Test returned status 9 (wstat 2304, 0x900)
t\api\module.........request has failed (the response code was: 404)
see t/logs/error_log for more details
        Test returned status 9 (wstat 2304, 0x900)
t\api\param..........request has failed (the response code was: 404)
see t/logs/error_log for more details
        Test returned status 9 (wstat 2304, 0x900)
# Running under perl version 5.008008 for MSWin32
# Win32::BuildNumber 819
# Current time local: Thu Nov  9 10:22:04 2006
# Current time GMT:   Thu Nov  9 08:22:04 2006
# Using version 1.25
# Using Apache/ version 1.29
# # of keys : 5, key_len 5
# Failed test 1 in t\apreq\big_input.t at line 41
# testing : GET long query
# expected: 39
# received: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">
# <html><head>
# <title>404 Not Found</title>
# </head><body>
# <h1>Not Found</h1>
# <p>The requested URL /TestApReq__big_input was not found on this
# </body></html>
not ok 1
# # of keys : 15, key_len 5
# Failed test 2 in t\apreq\big_input.t at line 41 fail #2
# testing : GET long query
# expected: 119
# received: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">
# <html><head>
# <title>404 Not Found</title>
# </head><body>
# <h1>Not Found</h1>
# <p>The requested URL /TestApReq__big_input was not found on this
# </body></html>
not ok 2

CGI passes most tests (it fails 7; libapreq-2.08 also fails the same
ones lately.  That's a separate issue for a separate thread, though),
it's just the mod_perl ones that seem to fail.

Deeper probing (t/conf/httpd.conf) shows that:
<IfModule !mod_perl.c>
    #unable to locate (could be a static build)

Giving a path via t/TEST -libmodperl didn't help

Fixing the path to mod_perl manually in t/conf/httpd.conf did fix it
(and all tests but the same 7 from CGI passed).

I'll keep poking around, but perhaps someone more intimately involved in
Apache-Test can figure this out faster, based on what I've seen so far...


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