On Jul 3, 2014, at 12:59 AM, Mikael Abrahamsson <swm...@swm.pp.se> wrote:

> For instance 7141 updates 2309, if we obsoleted 2309, what would that mean to 
> 7141?

Well, for one thing, it affects one of -06’s references. Oops

>    [Byte-pkt]
>               and Internet Engineering Task Force, Work in Progress,
>               "Byte and Packet Congestion Notification (draft-ietf-
>               tsvwg-byte-pkt-congest)", July 2013.

should point to 7141. It’s a normative reference. We also carried the 
recommendation into the draft:

> 4.4.  AQM algorithms SHOULD respond to measured congestion, not
>       application profiles.
> ...
>    An AQM algorithm should not deliberately try to prejudice the size of
>    packet that performs best (i.e.  Preferentially drop/mark based only
>    on packet size).  Procedures for selecting packets to mark/drop
>    SHOULD observe the actual or projected time that a packet is in a
>    queue (bytes at a rate being an analog to time).  When an AQM
>    algorithm decides whether to drop (or mark) a packet, it is
>    RECOMMENDED that the size of the particular packet should not be
>    taken into account [Byte-pkt].

That was a pretty early change - I think in the initial set of recommendations 
I proposed.

We might, however, need to rethink the wording there. What we’re trying to say, 
following 7141, is that one shouldn’t try to target data packets or some such 
thing. A packet is a packet; if the time comes to hit one, hit the one you’re 
looking at. But now that I read it, I could imagine someone thinking that means 
we can’t measure bit rates, only packet rates. Mumble.

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