Hi again,

I still know I'm late but there are two more points:

draft-welzl-ecn-benefits-02 says:
"Network devices must not drop
   packets solely because these codepoints are used [RFC2309.bis]"
"A network device should therefore not
   remark an ECT(0) or ECT(1) mark to zero [RFC2309.bis]."

I could not find this recommendation in draft-ietf-aqm-recommendation-11, at least not in the section 4.2.1 (AQM and ECN), but it should be in there (and should actually say: a network device MUST NOT remark, ECT(0), ETC(1) or CE to zero)...?


On 23.04.2015 13:19, Mirja Kühlewind wrote:
Hi all,

I know I'm too late for this but want to bring it up anyway:

draft-ietf-aqm-recommendation-11 currently says:
"An AQM algorithm that supports ECN needs to define the threshold and
     algorithm for ECN-marking.  This threshold MAY differ from that used
     for dropping packets that are not marked as ECN-capable, and SHOULD
     be configurable."

But I think it should be:
"An AQM algorithm that supports ECN needs to define the parameters and
     algorithm for ECN-marking.  These parameters MAY differ from that used
     for dropping packets that are not marked as ECN-capable, and SHOULD
     be configurable."

so just s/threshold/parameters/  ...?

I've just caught this now because I'm reading draft-welzl-ecn-benefits-02;
sorry. Maybe it's still possible to make such a small edit... if other people
think as well that this should be changed...?


aqm mailing list

Dipl.-Ing. Mirja Kühlewind
Communication Systems Group
Institute TIK, ETH Zürich
Gloriastrasse 35, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland

Room ETZ G93
phone: +41 44 63 26932
email: mirja.kuehlew...@tik.ee.ethz.ch

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