On 2/15/2016 4:52 AM, Kuhn Nicolas wrote:

This updated version integrates some typos correction (based on Greg Skinner's comment) 
and some reformulation in the "goal description section" based on Polina's 
personal email.

Hi, I've started the shepherd write-up for this and am planning to submit it in the next week. I mention this in case there are still comments or concerns that someone has.

In the write-up, I will explain:
- how it changed scope a few times over its lifetime
- that ideally there would be running code (as mentioned by Dave, among others) for performing the characterizations - that where it sits now, it's suitable as Informational guidance, but it's not a prescriptive and fully defined spec, like for an IPPM metric

I think this will be sufficient, but would like to know if anyone still has further thoughts, or strong feeling that this should be held for some other update before AD review?

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