On 22 Jan 00 at 20:48, Clarence Verge wrote:

>>I love the new URL entry box you get in fullscreen mode. 
>>In fact, I am getting to like fullscreen mode a LOT.
>>It is SUPER for reading email. Just leave your cursor over the TRASH button.
>>Michael, I just wish the fullscreen mode could be made to STICK.
>>If there ever comes a time when scroll bars are no longer required - like
>>the Adobe "grab and move" function, fullscreen will certainly be the way to

There is a switch for arachne.bat that will cause Arachne to start
full screen. I used this on my Arachne XT box with an earlier
version as screen draws are very slow on the VGA card I run in that
one and full screen has a lot less stuff to put on the screen, i.e.
no buttons, etc. I asked Michael P. about this and he told me what
it was, but for the life of me I cannot remember. Michael, are you

Dale Mentzer

Funny, I don't remember being absent minded.

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