On Sun, 23 Jan 2000 22:37:45 -0500, Samuel W. Heywood wrote:


> Hello Glenn:

> I don't understand.  Do you mean to say that you somehow succeeded in
> setting up an account at webbox without your having to give them
> the password you normally use for accessing your ISP account and your
> email servers at your ISP?

Sam .........they ALL do this....it stands to reason...they must have
these, or else your ISPs server is gonna tell them to take a hike....
Yahoo Mail does this also....if I want them to get my mail off my
primary mailserver....Yahoo must have my name/password, otherwise
my ISP's is telling them NO WAY....and I want it that way, thank you...


-- This mail was written by user of Arachne, the Ultimate Internet Client

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