I have 1.60 beta 1 running on my home computer and one at work.  The home
computer uses MS-DOS 6.20 and QEMM 7.5 patch 3.

The one at work uses MS-DOS 6.20's own memory management.

Both are using the same MIME.CFG and the same ARACHNE.CFG.  Both have the
same new DOSSHELL.BAT in the "system\dgi" subdirectory.  Both have the
COMSPEC environment variable equal to C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM .

In many cases, when Arachne on the home computer (the one with QEMM) shells
out to DOS to run an external process, it displays the msg "Bad command or
file name", but then it runs the pgm anyway.

I noticed it at first when I pressed Alt-E to shell to dos.  I thought
maybe something DOSSHELL.BAT was looking for was missing, so used "echo
on" and "pause" to find out what that might be.  Turns out to be nothing.
The "bad command or file name" msg actually appears before the first
line of DOSSHELL.BAT runs.

Then it happened on a page with JPG graphics.  The msg appears before
Arachne calls the external pgm that prepares those graphics (djpeg.exe?),
but then the pgm runs and the graphics are properly displayed.

The hot list mgr does it also.  This is true whether called from the
Utilities page or from the hotlist itself.  (One calls
"hotlistmgr.dgi" and the other calls "edithotlist.dgi".  In mime.cfg
they seem to be exactly the same thing.)  The "bad command or file
name msg" appears, and then the hot list mgr runs normally.

This odd behavior did not happen with previous versions of Arachne,
and it still does not happen on the computer that uses only
HIMEM/EMM386 for memory management.

...This msg brought to you by NEIL PARKS      Beachwood, Ohio
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]       http://www.en.com/users/neparks/

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