In this 'civilized' country (Holland) the same bad (non) service is provided
by the ISP.
6 trials it toke and abt. 30 minutes to pay for the telephone comp. to
get Arachne 1.62 (1,3 Mb) via e-mail.
My 56kB modem does 100kB/minute in practice! SCHAME ISP!

On Sun, 09 Jul 2000 00:52:19 -700, Constant Brouerius van Nidek wrote:

> Dear Eko,
> Don't know how you are served by our telephone company but down here even my

> normal telephone calls are sometimes interrupted (timed out ? ;-)) so that
> even the zip file with the changes which I got from Clarence were quite
> difficult to download. It took me a big part of the morning with five fresh
> runs until I finally had the complete 389 Kb file on my computer. I really
> underwrite that it would be good to have an upgrade pack on offer.
> ar>Date: Sat, 08 Jul 2000 14:25:19 +0700 (JAVT)
> ar>On Fri, 07 Jul 2000 09:10:52 -700, Constant wrote:
> ar>> at night. And than it takes sometimes three to four
> ar>> trials before I have the complete big file. Each time
> ar>In such circumstances, always resort to email download:
> ar>Send a blank mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ar>A copy of uuencoded Arachne package (cca. 1 MB), will be
> ar>mailed to you.  No more "world wide wait"... :)
> Until now my favorite upgrade method. If I cannot get it due to my wacky
> telephone connection I can go to my ISP and let them download it for my
> on a floppy. In order to read my other emails which I cannot download during
> the blockage with a big download I use my HPLX 200 with Goin Postal which
> let me download the other emails and let the email which is too big on the
> server. Very handy.
> ar>However, downloading mail in such size still takes about
> ar>4 to 5 minutes of your precious online time.  Would be nice
> ar>though, if there's an alternative address that replied a
> ar>smaller upgrade pack instead of the whole full install.
> ar>Something like:
> ar>- --Eko
> ar>------------------------------

> MicroSoft is suing Apple because they have employees too

> Net-Tamer V 1.12 Beta - Registered

-- Arachne V1.61, NON-COMMERCIAL copy,

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