On Sun, 6 Aug 2000 03:42:23 -0400 (EDT), Thomas Mueller wrote:

> I wish telemarketers would realize that.  Telemarketing is worse than email or
> newsgroup spam.

I disagree.  When a telemarketer calls you he pays for the phone call.  You
don't pay for your online time on the telephone when you are answering an
incoming call.  When you download your SPAM over an internet connection, you
pay for your online time.  Unless you are connected to an IMAP server, and
unless you are using an IMAP-compatible email client such as PC-PINE, you
have to download the entire message.  I have received SPAM messages
containing attachments consisting of picture ads.  Some are more than
250KB long!  This takes a very long time to download if you are doing your
email with a 4.7 MHZ XT and a 2400K modem.  You can simply hang up on a
telemarketer.  If you hang up while downloading SPAM, the message will
still remain on your email server.  One way of getting rid of the SPAM
message is to connect to your POP3 server via Telnet.  Delete the offending
message(s) and then re-connect via your email client.


Sam Heywood
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