On Wed, 09 Aug 2000 02:43:13 +0900, Kali McLaughlin wrote:

> Dear list:
> I have been playing with the PDF viewer that is suggested as an Arachne
> plugin.
> Other list members have expressed disappointment with the program, but
> the reason was not expanded upon.  Apart from the lack of images, I have
> found the main trouble is that many .pdf files cause problems with
> rendition that seems related to filename lengths encountered during
> unpacking. The program *sometimes* works!
> Any suggestions?
> Kali
> http://www.nimnet.asn.au/~kali

About two month ago I asked on the list how to handle PDF...
several answers came and two converters were installed:
pdftotex.exe (PDF => TEXT) sometimes is good ; author 
Derek B. Noonburg; and I have a PDF to HTML (cann't find that one... is
"somewhere" in my computer.
But no images!
So if PDF contains images I ask the author to send me the stuff in a
"normal" format... which they do (9 out of 10 times).
They want to tell or show me something... so it is their job to do this
in a format I can read and in most cases the PDF-file is not the
original text or image... originaly composed in WORD, WP or something
like that. Than I say: "please send me that for I cann't read PDF
containing images" and as stated they very often do.

And if they don't... I will never read their wise words and diagrams.

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