On Fri, 11 Aug 2000 02:36:56 +0200, Or Botton wrote:

> On Thu, 10 Aug 2000 22:33:13 +0000, J. J. Young wrote:

>> Neil's been dumpster diving!

> Its ok, I guess. On my way to the video store on tel aviv I fell over
> (litraly) a functioning-looking 14" SVGA that was just trown to the
> street with a bunch of old books. Would have taken it if I didnt suspect
> that the cute looking dog that sat near it did a certain thing on it.
> Ew!

> The stuff people trow out these days..

 Speaking of "throw-outs" and "dumpster diving",

A hospital in Billings Montana *was* going to send over 100 complete
systems to the "trash heap".
Thanks to the efforts a few people at that hospital... I will be getting
about 30 to 40 of them. (for free, just pay for shipping)

See attached inventory.

Glenn McCorkle [EMAIL PROTECTED] North Jackson, Ohio, USA
DOS prog. for QV cameras http://www.angelfire.com/id/glenndoom/qvplay.html
Other stuff http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
            Arachne, The Web Browser for DOS
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From: "Jerry J. Haumberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 01:49:41 -600
X-Mailer: Net-Tamer 1.11.2
Subject: used computers -- final inventory

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[this notice is sent to all members on the list]

Hello, folks!

After spending four and one half hours at the hospital warehouse
today, I finally have completed our detailed inventory of used
computers.  I've given special attention to the PS/2, PS/ValuePoint
and Pentium PC sections.  You'll notice there's a *lot* of additions to
the numbers, some new models and other surprises.  Of course, I have
all of your recent selections, and now I would encourage you to
finalize any last minute decisions -- and especially if you're one
of those who haven't said anything yet -- please do so now, since
this notice will be your last chance!

Dave, our shipping and receiving man, gave me a rough estimate of
what the cost of shipping 10 lbs via UPS ground would cost -- to, say,
the East Coast of the USA from Billings, Montana:  about $7.36.  One
of the 8085 servers, for example, weighs about 40 lbs., so that would
be approximately $30.00 to ship one of those.  But that's just one
option.  I suppose there are cheaper shipping alternatives, and if
any of you have any suggestions, please let me know.  We should try to
find the cheapest, yet safest, method of getting these systems out to

If you are in a foreign country, I have no idea what your customs and
duties will be, so you'll have to find that out and decide whether or
not it's worth it -- or even if it's legal!

After counting everything, I came up with *113* computers -- and if
you folks don't mind too much -- I've decided to preserve just *one*
old XT for myself (out of "historical" interests, mainly) -- as sort
of a reminder of how BIG BLUE (IBM) began the march of the PC era.  I
hope that's ok with everyone!  (There's still one XT available, by the
way.)  So this makes the count 112.  Oh dear!  Do we have a lot to
pack!  *That's* going to be the *BIG* obstacle -- hopefully we'll be
able to get enough volunteers to get it done sooner than later, or
I'll be taking *much* longer to do this by myself!!

Finally, I should now ask those of you who are committed to send me
your addresses so that we can begin calculating your costs at a later

And now, the FINAL INVENTORY..............


-------------    ---------             --------         -----

8086 ISA         30 8530-002 / 1987 ...... 1    2 3.5" fdds (720k?).
386sx ISA(16)    35 SX 8535-043 / 1991 ... 2    one unit has a key.
286 MCA(16)      50 8550-021 / 1987 ...... 5
286 MCA(16)      50Z 8550-031 & -061 ..... 6
486slc2 MCA      53 486 SLC2 9553-088 &         one box with manuals &
                          -087 / 1989 .... 3    floppies.
386sx MCA(16)    55 SX 8555-081 & -061          several unknown cards in
                                1987 .... 19    these; reference guide; a few
                                                may not work properly.
386sx MCA(16)    56 SX 8556-043 / 1991          3 unknown cards in these;
                                       .. 16    a few may not work properly.
386sx MCA(16)?   56 486 SLC 8556-059            2.88 fdd.
                                1991 ..... 1
486slc2 MCA(16)  56 486 SLC2 9556-0BA           2.88 fdd; 3 manual boxes with
                                1992 ..... 2    floppies.
486 MCA(16)      56 486 SLC3 9556-DE9 .... 1    2.88 fdd.
486 MCA(16)?     57 486 SLC2 9557-0BA .... 1    manual box & floppies; key.
386 MCA(32)      70 386 8570-121 & -161
                                1988 ..... 2
486 MCA(32)      77 486 DX2 9577-ONF
                                1992 ..... 2    one has tape drive; both
                                                have CD-ROM, 5 rear bays;
                                                2 with unidentified cards;
                                                1 manual box with floppies;
                                                1 key.

IBM Personal System/2 Tower/Server Units  -- (base stands and handles on top)

386DX MCA(32)    80  386 8580-A16 ........ 1
"       "        "       8580-041 ........ 1
"       "        "       8580-111 ........ 3
"       "        "       8580-A31 ........ 2
"       "        "       8580-311 ........ 1
"       "        "       8580-071 ........ 1
"       "        "       8580-321 ........ 1

286 MCA(16)      60      8560-071 ........ 2    open front bay on one.
"       "        60      8560-041 ........ 1

PS/ValuePoint Systems -- ISA-compatible

425SX            6384 / 1992 ............. 5    several manuals; 5 bays;
                                                saw 486 CPUs inside; 1 key.

425 SX/D         6384 / 1992 ............. 1    3 bays; missing lock;
                                                486 SX CPU; 1 key.

433 DXi          6381 / 1993 ............. 3    486 CPU or higher; 3 bays;
                                                one has no RAM.

433 DX/D         6384 / 1992 ............. 2    5 bays; 486 CPU or higher;
                                                one has missing front bay

466 DX2/Sp       6472 / 1994 ............. 1    486 or larger CPU; no RAM;
                                                540 MB hdd; keys.

Other IBM "high end" Upgrades -- all desktops

IBM Personal Computer 350 6586-35H ....... 1    Pentium 75.
"       "       "       " 6586-57H ....... 2    Pentium 100; 1 with front
                                                bay cover missing.
"       "       "     330 6576-57H ....... 1    Pentium 100.
"       "       "     350 6587-7AT ....... 1    Pentium 133.
"       "       "     350 6587-9BT ....... 1    Pentium 166.
"       "       "       " 6587-9AT ....... 1    Pentium 166.
"       "       "     750 6887-6AG ....... 1    Pentium 166.

IBM 330 450 DX2           6571-KUO ....... 5    Pentium 63; 3 bays; 1 key.

IBM Personal Computer 350 6583-W5F ....... 2    486 100 DX4; each are
                                                missing a front bay cover.

IBM 9454                  5494-001 / 1992  1    2.88 fdd; has small LCD
                                                screen (.5" x 3.5") with
                                                small "pullout" touch screen
                                                numeric pad; with "Remote
                                                Control Unit" guide booklet;
                                                made in Brazil for IBM!

IBM -- old

IBM Personal Computer XT ................. 1    3.5" and 5.25" fdds.
IBM Personal Computer AT ................. 1    3.5" and 5.25" fdds; has
                                                original AT keyboard; nice
"possibly" IBM AT ........................ 1    3.5" and 5.25" fdds; CD-ROM;
                                                8.8 MHz speed indicator;
                                                turbo function.

Other AT-like PCs

"Standard Turbo-10" ...................... 1    3.5" and 5.25" fdds.

ZEOS 486 SLC ............................. 1    3.5" and 5.25" fdds; turbo
                                                and reset buttons in front.

CPT 9000 ................................. 1    3.5" and 5.25" fdds; has a
                                                matching "CPT LP-8" printer.

Zenith / data systems .................... 1    one 3.5" fdd.

digital DECpc 425 sx LP .................. 1    one 3.5" fdd; looks very
                                                clean and new.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

unidentified tower ....................... 1    3.5" fdd; 8 bays in back &
                                                4 bays in front; CD-ROM;
                                                looks clean and modern.


Macintosh Quadra 630 ..................... 1    keyboard; mouse; monitor;
                                                Color Style Writer Pro

Apple IIe ................................ 1    2 external 5.25" fdds; has
                                                "power adapter" (?) for
                                                these on left side of CPU.

Also:  unused Apple II keyboard .......... 1    still in box.

Some Old External Devices

IBM External 5.25" fdd  4869 ............. 2    rather large.

IBM External Tape Drive 6157-002 ......... 1    can't tell what size; huge!

Del Mar (model 751) Optistor ............. 1    an early CD-ROM storage

IBM Laser Printers

IBM by Lexmark 10P 4029-042 ............. 17    some nice; some may be a
                                                little damaged or missing
                                                a bottom tray.

IBM LaserPrinter 6 4029-020 .............. 1    there might be one or two
                                                more of these.

(There are a dozen or so other old printers, some IBM, but I'm somewhat
suspicious of their condition; if you want me to check on something,
though, let me know.)

IBM Monitors

IBM (S?)VGA - machine type 6321-001 ..... 20    approximate number; some
                                                of these may be slightly
                                                nicked or have a broken or
                                                missing control latch cover.

IBM PS/2 Color Display -- type 8512-001 . 20    approximate number; most of
                                                these seem to be in decent
                                                condition; they are likely
                                                VGA and should go well with
                                                the PS/2 PCs.

Magnavox Professional "Enhanced Display" . 1    13" (?).

(There are several other old IBM and/or other brands of monitors; I'll
check them for you later, if you like.)

Jerry          *** delighted with PC DOS and WordStar ***

Net-Tamer V 1.11.2 - Registered

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