"Thomas Mueller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> DNS#1
>> DNS#2
>> smtp: mail1.1nol.com
>> pop:  mail1.1nol.com  user: "user"  password: "password"
> What I posted on this list from a text-file download agrees with the
> DNS #s, but the SMTP & POP3 server were both mail.1nol.com.  Did they
> insert another 1?

For a couple of days this week I was unable to access mail.1nol.com
but was able to use mail1.1nol.com. Now both resolve to
(in ORBS by the way). Go figure.

(I haven't used my 1nol.com address for anything except a couple of
test e-mails to myself, and I've already got one spam.)

More importantly, I could not acces my local dialup (popsite.net)
all day yesterday ("invalid login"), but it's working again now.

>> http://www.1nol.com/ now redirects to http://1nol.myway.com
> I noticed the redirection, but apparently 1nol.myway.com looked for
> my user agent and directed me to download MSIE or Netscape. I didn't
> know about http://www.1nol.com/central/, and apparently the people at
> http://accessmasters.com/dos.html didn't know either. I need to try
> that "central" page.

http://www.1nol.com/central/ seems to be the only way past the myway.com
loop to the 1nol signup page. I have no idea what's going on, but it
doesn't look good for non MS-Win users. I know it's free, but I'm having
second thoughts about supporting this crap.

> My FreeWWWeb was working as of my last try (one week ago?), though
> I avoid using their mail and news servers because of inaccessibility.
> I wouldn't want anybody to send anything important to my
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] because I would most likely not able to get it.

My FreeWWWeb ppp dialup (uunet.ca) still works now, but I'm pretty
sure that mail and news (smartnet.net) are dead. All I really care
about is a free Internet connection that works with DOS and Linux.

Anyway, since this is off-topic for the Arachne list, I'm done talking
about it here. If I hear anything new, I'll pass it along to the survpc

Howard Eisenberger
Ottawa, Ontario

DOS TCP/IP * http://www.ncf.ca/~ag221/dosppp.html

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