Or Botton wrote:
>> Any examples?  URLs, please...
>This link bypass the "browser detection" entrance page, that will
>block Arachne from entering the site (and refer you to a Netscape/IE
>download section).
>So from this point on, the site presumes that you are using communicator.
>Btw, the page looks the same way on Netscape 3.04g.

Hi Or,
      Sorry doesn't work. I had to F4 and edit this page to
comment out referral to browser page. Then I got an blank page
with empty frames. Using Arachne 1.62.

 signed "line length constable" Eric

            |  Ayrx |__\_       Eric S. Emerson
            | E-male:~_: !      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            `~(*)~~~~(*)~'      `````````````````````````    

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