On 10 Aug 2000, at 12:54, Eko Priono wrote:

> > (I think I had problems a while ago and somehow got
> > kicked off and couldn't be bothered to resubscribe)
> Nobody kicked you off.  I just checked my local "Total
> Recall" copy.  You still subscribed there just fine,
> not with this Hotkey address, but with *three* other
> addresses, and all of them has been set to "nomail".

Aaah, would they be geocities, virtualave and iname? I probably 
should get around to deleting them, since they all redirect to this 
hotkey one...

> BTW, you also still listed as SurvPC @eGroups group
> manager... ;-)  Well?  Shall I revoke your privileges
> from being ignorant? ;-)

whoops... I just noticed I'm getting the SurvPC digest from egroups, 
with 76 unread. Damn filters <G>

> [CPAN POP3 module]
> And how you propose to invoke that module?  Each time a visitor
> pulled the page?  IMHO that would took too much time, waiting
> up to ten seconds just to view a page doesn't sounds too
> promising for me.

Yeah, that's a problem. But that'd be the only way to do it - being a 
virtual server theres no direct email to the server... Either that or try 
to "crossload" from mail-archive.com...

Ben Hood, Arachne Fan Club Webmaster

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