On Sat, 02 Sep 2000 16:36:20 -0500, "Pete" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hmmm... If I change MIME.CFG so that the .ZIP extension is associated
> with PKUNZIP.EXE, won't *all* such files be automatically processed?

Well, I'm at home with Arachne now and I just took a look at mime.cfg.
Pete, there appear to be two entries for each type. One tells Arachne
what to do with it when downloading and saving. The other is acted upon
if it is a local file.  This is how it looks to me anyway. I still find
mime.cfg to be confusing. <g> 

The default condition in mime.cfg for zip is to save with the proper
extension. The other bit is, as I said, commented out. I think if you
uncomment this, it will only get unzipped if you select the file.

BTW, you might want to change the switch from -v to maybe -v -d.

- Clarence Verge
- Using Arachne V1.62 for a change....

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