On Sat, 02 Sep 2000 09:44:54 -0400
"Dev Teelucksingh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
Subject: DOS and the future (and why I use DOS :-) )

>While Linux is great (I have it installed as a secondary OS on my machine),
> it is more complex than DOS (although DOS experience is a plus
> when using the Bash shell) and there is less useful documentation
 >for Linux than there is for DOS since Linux is a relatively new OS.

While I agree that linux is probably over complex for using as a day to day
OS for most, I can't agree that there is less (in volume) useful (in depth)
documentation available for Linux :

The Linux Documentation Project  -LDP- has archives scattered over the web,
which have nuts 'n' bolts descriptions of what actions need to be considered
/ taken to accomplish all types of task.These files have been ported, along
with the GNU tools that they support, from other Unixes, and adapted for the
PC platform - over a long period (maybe 8 years, just guessing :-})

Then there are vast arrays of hardware howto's, comprehensive 'MAN' manual
pages, and, in most distributions, you are supplied with additional online
help. DOS sure has 'help' files, but in particular I have found MSDos to be
less than fully 'helpful'. And getting detailed driver information out of
the M$ sloth web servers is a real trial!

 I have found working with Linux-es to be a real steep hill to climb, but
for me the view's better even from the foothills.Honest. [My 2 cents worth.
Requesting re-valuation to either 1 or 3 cents depending on orientation!
<bg> ]

Take it easy...Regards,

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