On 15 Sep 00, at 3:41, Thomas Mueller wrote:

> I couldn't find either the access numbers or a signup URL that worked.  When I
> tried http://signup.onfree.com/cgi-bin/infree.cgi, I got Registration-error
> Invalid arguments for signup script.  (NOTE: No picture available
> below.)
> I tried both infree and onfree in each of the two parts of the URL, making a
> total of four URLS, and all gave the same error message.

I had the same results from home with both Internet Explorer
version 3.03 and Opera v.3.62.  I tried the URL's from the
college lab with IE v.5.? and NS v.4.5 (or higher) and they
worked.  I have not looked at the HTML or JavaScript to see
why this occured.  What browser are you using?

BTW, since this is Arachne mailing list.... I use Arachne v.1.65
for most of my web surfing!  I only use the others when I
am working on something in Windows or need JavaScript


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