On Sat, 16 Sep 2000 18:44:20 +0200, Florian Xaver wrote:

> Hi!

> Does Arachne and DOSLYNX support
> <STYLE TYPE="text/css">
> </style>?

> I want to use it in my page, but I also want that it is compatible with all
> browsers!

 Arachne does not support the STYLE tag.
I don't know about Dos Lynx.

BTW, please don't use '<' or '>' in the subject line.
(they cause Arachne to display a blank screen)

Glenn McCorkle [EMAIL PROTECTED] North Jackson, Ohio, USA
DOS prog. for QV cameras http://www.angelfire.com/id/glenndoom/qvplay.html
Other stuff http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
            Arachne, The Web Browser for DOS
   Open the 'DOOR' to the WWW. Keep the 'windows' closed.
  Download Arachne for DOS http://browser.arachne.cz/dos/
      Visit the Arachne home page http://arachne.cz/

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