On Mon, 18 Sep 2000 10:56:58 +0200 (CEST), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard 
Menedetter) wrote:

> Hi

> "Ray Andrews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> RA> A small question:  If my system crashes when I'm in Arachne (usually
> RA> my own fault), and I reboot, I get the "clean cache ... etc." page,
> RA> as I should.  But after I click on "clean cache", or one of the
> RA> other options, you'd think the message page would disapear, youldn't
> RA> you?  But it dosen't, it just stays there, why?

> Arachne 'locks' its directory ...
> Simply click on the ignore button, and you'll go on.

 I just made a "cure" for this little annoyance.<g>

Add these 4 lines to the end of system\dgi\clr.bat

if not exist lock goto end
del lock
arachne file:ppp_init.htm

(your friendly neighborhood compu-nerd)

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