On Wed, 20 Sep 2000 03:44:30 -0400 (EDT), Thomas Mueller wrote:

>> Roger:

> The above header indicates that you received the message in digest form.
> If you had received it as an individual message, then InSight would have
> displayed a blank page upon clicking on the subject line.  An HTML tag
> is not used as a subject line of the digest.

> Regards,

> Sam Heywood

> In this case Roger Turk, being with CompuServe, presumably downloaded and read
> the message with CompuServe software, so the style tag in the subject line 
> came through OK.

It doesn't matter what kind of software Roger used to read the message, as
this is not relevant to what I was trying to explain.  You didn't understand
my post.  The style tag would not have been the subject line of a message
received in digest form.  The subject line of the digest is in the format as
indicated in the example below:

Subject: arachne-digest V1 #1286

The above is *not* an HTML tag.

We are already aware that messages having HTML tags as subject lines
may be read with alternative software.


Sam Heywood
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