Hi Folks,

> From: "Edenyard"
> Subject: Is this an A1.66 bug??
> Dear Experts,
>    Here's one that's driving me nuts! I type the following URL into
> Arachne 1.66:
> http://www.supercatjaguarspares.freeserve.co.uk/
>    ...and here's what happens: The 'k' gets removed from '.co.uk' and
> then I get the error screen saying that it can't connect. The first few
> times it did it, I thought that I was going (more) bonkers.
>    Please, someone, put me out of my misery. What am I doing wrong? And
> how can I get onto the site in question?

   The problem seems to be in the length of the URL.  If you delete ANY
letter from the middle of the URL, the "k" does not get replaced.
But if you insert an extra letter, even the "u" gets deleted.

   Michael, have you given a limited length to one of the variables used for
URLs ? Like, between " / " dividers ?  It needs 40 for this particular
URL, and it reduces to 39 when invoked and an " / " is added to the end.

   Or have I missed the point ?


Ron Clarke  http://homepages.valylink.net.au/~ausreg/music.html
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