Greetings one and all,

I know it's been covered many times before, but I can't recall where to
look:  can someone tell me exactly where I can get all the info that I
need to set up an external text editor under Arachne?

BTW, this won't come as news to all you Arachne wizards out there, but I
just learned something niffty the other day when I was setting up
Arachne on a friend's computer:  You can ignore the '[whatever]' headings
in arachne.cfg, and make up your own.  I made a [user] heading, and I
moved all the things that are specific to a given instalation into it. 
Thus, I can find all the modem settings, user names and passwords, and
all system paths etc. in the same place.  It sure made things easier.

-- Arachne V1.66, NON-COMMERCIAL copy,

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