On Sun, 3 Dec 2000 22:20:44 -0500, Roger Turk wrote:

> Sam Heywood wrote:

> .. > To search for filenames in subdirectories with DR-DOS you can use
> .. > XDIR.EXE, as in "xdir arach*.* /s".

> Yes Sam, that is exactly what Gil Parrish said.  You can only search in one
> directory and its subdirectories at a time with dir (or Xdir) <filename.ext>
> /s.  If you wanted to search all of your directories/drives, you would have
> to repeat the command on each drive.


No, that is not what he said.  You quoted him as follows:

>>... if you want to search your whole harddrive for a filename
starting with "arach", you can go to the C: directory and give the command--
dir arach*.* /s  -- which would search not only the C: directory but the
/subdirectories as well.  That doesn't work under DR-DOS; the file isn't
pulled up with that command unless it happens to be in the current
directory.  By the time you realize you're not finding files in
subdirectories because you're giving the wrong command, go into the help
function, find the right command (something like--  tree arach*.*  --as I
recall), and re-do the search, you've wasted a lot of time.  And when you
next want to search for a file, you'll forget all that, give the DOS 6.22
command, and go through the whole process again.<<

It is true that DIR used with the "s" switch doesn't work in DR-DOS,
but XDIR used with the "s" switch does work in DR-DOS, just like DIR with
the "s" switch works with MS-DOS.

Of course you would have to repeat the command to perform a file search
on different drives/partitions, but I thought we were just discussing file
searches in only one partition/drive.  Somehow I failed to understand that
the business of performing a file search on all drives/partitions in the
system was under discussion.  Sorry about that.

All the best,

Sam Heywood
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