I *do* have a working version of 1.66 and the results are as follows:

Before loading Virtual Ave chat, I had 140 available memory; after 117
Load Arachne Chat, available memory 123
Back to Virt, available memory 117
Back to Arachne, available memory 123

After multiple switches back and forth, no increased "memory loss."

BTW, I didn't bother to clear cache nor to turn images off.  I wouldn't
normally do that before going to chat, so why fudge on testing?

In all fairness, I decided to run the test with 1.68.

I checked memory before clicking on the first link, and discovered it
was lower than I thought it should be -- although all I'd done was write
the first part of this message.

Just to see if maybe I'd not been paying attention, I used the ALT-E to
shell, EXIT to return to Arachne.

When I then checked memory, it had gone from 104 to 137 [1.66 holds at
140 when I'm reading mail in InBox ... so apparently 1.68 is using more
memory somewhere].  I then selected reply, cancel, and memory was down
to 107 when I returned to inbox, and as I'm writing this memory is
showing at 105.

So before even checking the "chat chewing," I've found that InSight
likes to eat memory now -- at least replying via InSight does.

Good grief, Charlie Brown!  What's next???  Since I'm writing this
message in bits and pieces as I go, I'm saving to outbox. So after the
notations above, I resaved to outbox and checked memory.  Good grief,
indeed!  It was right back at 137 where it belonged!  Another instance
of InBox processing behaving entirely different from OutBox when it
comes to memory use??

Once again, I will prepare to do the "chat test" ...

Results from test with 1.68 follow:
In OutBox reading message        AM 136
Load Virt                        AM 113
Load ArachChat                   AM  97
Back to Virt                     AM  76
Forward to ArachChat             AM  65
Back to Virt                     AM  49[!!!]
Back to OutBox                   AM 137
Writing this message             AM 105

I didn't want to take time, but since memory handling has differed
between OutBox & InBox in 1.68 already, I ran the test again only went
via hotkey to InBox instead of OutBox at the end of the test ...
In OutBox reading                AM 136
Load Virt [from cache]              113
[R]eload Virt                        91
Load ArachChat [from cache]          77
[R]eload ArachChat                   65
Back to Virt                         49[!!!]
To InBox                             49[!!!]
back to OutBox                      137
modifying this message              105

*-- It is clear that whatever broke in 1.67 on memory remains
    broken in 1.68

*-- It is also clear that the code which handles InBox is different
    from the code which handles OutBox, particularly when it comes to
    properly freeing up memory.

Maybe now someone can see where they differ and at least get that part
fixed, then figure out what part of 'chat' got broken between 1.66 &
1.67 ???



On Mon, 04 Dec 2000 04:21:14 -0700, Gregory J. Feig wrote:

> ....anybody who wants to try this can swiftly bring the Monster out
> into the open:

> 1.  At MAIL screen, hit F8 (clear cache), then SHIFT-~ (turn images
> off).
> 2.  Enter http://chat.arachne.cz/  then ENTER (to launch this URL).
> After the page loads, ALT-M (to check your free memory).
> 3.  Enter http://arachne.virtualave.net/chat.pl?id=  then ENTER.
> After the page loads, ALT-M (to check your free memory, again).
> 4.  Then CTRL-LeftARROW (internally reload the chat.arachne.cz
> page).
> 5.  Then CTRL-RightARROW (internally reload the arachne.virtualave
> page).
> 6.  Keep switching back-and-forth between the two pages (remember
> that these are already loaded on you machine, so all you are
> doing is swapping internal pages)
> 7.  See how many times you can swap these pages...<g>

> ....this works the same in 1.67, but 1.65 does NOT have the problem
> (I don't know about 1.66 - I don't have a working install of this
> version).

> ........gregy

> -- This mail was written by user of Arachne, the Ultimate Internet Client


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