On Tue, 12 Dec 2000 09:01:18 -0500, Roger Turk wrote:

> I have neighbors, John and Ruby Claymore.  Do you think that they would be
> interested to know that they will be shot from a canon?

A claymore is an anti-personnel mine.
(can be detonated either manually or through the use of a "trip wire")
Therefore, they would not be shot from a cannon.
BTW, The correct spelling is cannon.
A "canon" is a "code, decree, law, principle, ordinance".<vbg>

>  Coincidently, the
> Claymores were recently ordinance items as recent city council action
> mandated that they remove what the Claymores regard as "spare parts
> inventory" from their property. <VBG>

In this case, they were not "ordinance items".(plural)
They were the legatees of the enforcement of "an ordinance".(singular)

Did I correctly portray these points of grammatical usage?<g>

(your friendly neighborhood compu-nerd)

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