Somebody will have to do a comparison with New Deal, Arachne and other DOS
Internet programs.  DOS Lynx 386 can browse the WWW and display graphics,
including inline, on a separate screen when used with a graphics viewer like 
PICTVIEW, but won't run on a 286.  I think Bobcat has some facility for viewing
graphics in connection with a graphics viewer.  DOS suffers from a shortage of
graphic WWW browsers.  Net-Tamer new version, now beta, has no support for
graphics, text-only, and I couldn't see if Net-Tamer was quitting graphic
support or if the new release version would include graphics.  Caldera Web
Spyder seems to have faded into obscurity.

Does the New Deal evaluation version include the Internet portion?  Last time, 
I recall New Deal's Internet dialer supported only PAP, no CHAP or BBS-style
login (responding to login: and Password: prompts).

Considering the price of New Deal, many computer users might consider it more
cost-effective to go with Linux or one of the BSDs.  New Deal might work better
in cases of low RAM or 286 CPU, where Linux or the BSDs would be severely
challenged or completely no go.

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