Hi folks,
I monitored some of the last postings about the hotkeys, icons and GUI
stuff and it drives me a little bit nuts. I think Michael tries to make
A. as comfy as possible for the newbies. There is no question that
Windoze style desktops are very common today and BTW they are developed
from something called SAA which was a try to simplify software handling
with a unique interface. And AFAIK this was no MS invention but they use
this, too. You find these interfaces on numerous programmes, from
ancient Word 5.5, many things written with Borlands Turbo Vision (yes,
it's clumsy) up to the GUIs from Windoze, QNX, New Deal, NeoPaint...
SAA includes not only look and feel, use of mouse buttons (which was not
correctly implemented in Windoze 3.x, BTW), but hotkeys, too. I just
want to remember F1 for help, Alt-F for file menue, Alt-E for edit
menue, Alt-X for exit... Something familiar?
So what is so bad when You got new software and You can start to work
with it 'cuz You know You can get help with F1 or by clicking on the
question mark?
What is so bad when You know that You can open a sample document with
Alt-D O or clicking on File Open?
What is so bad if tips and tricks tell the Arachne newbie that he can
change screen layout with F5 since this is a special Arachne feature?
And finally: Where the heck is the problem to click on HIDE if You don't
like them?
IMHO, to make Arachne a common browser a possible user must not be
scared with complicated installation procedures and user interfaces (and
to be true: The wizards will work in most cases). There is no use of a
smooth running program if one had to read readme files or printed
manuals for weeks to figure out how to use the whole thing. In such
cases You can simply deinstall a program by draging the folder icon onto
the trashcan icon :-(.
Just my thoughts.
Regards Joerg
-- This mail was written by user of Arachne, the Ultimate Internet Client
-- Arachne V1.69, NON-COMMERCIAL copy, http://arachne.cz/
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