On Fri, 26 Jan 2001 19:48:10 -0500, Glenn McCorkle wrote:

> On Fri, 26 Jan 2001 4:56:14 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Samuel W. Heywood) 

>> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Howard Schwartz 

>>> With regard to the suggestion that metamail or mpack can be used as
>>> external programs to insert MIME headers in a mail message. It appears to
>>> me that metamail will only help read incoming mail sent to me from
>>> someone else. Am I missing something? Mpack apparently will encode
>>> outgoing mail, but only for some MIME types.

>> Greetings:

>> I'm getting even with you guys for disparaging one of my favorite mailers
>> by insinuating that NetMail cannot be set up so as to integrate very nicely
>> with external programs such as mpack for encoding attachments and inserting
>> MIME headers.  Behold, I send you an example:

>> Sam Heywood
>> - -- Message sent by NetMail DOS, v. 2.12 and using OLIM, v. 1.40

>> - ---==========---
>> Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="GET_EVEN.GIF"
>> Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="GET_EVEN.GIF"
>> Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

> Excuse me Sam,
> Since when is a .GIF an "application/octet-stream" ???

> Arachne/Insight/mime.cfg correctly identify a .GIF as being "image/gif" ;-)

> [Attached file: bang.] (File "bang.gif" (type image/gif, size 16 KB))

OK, OK, please don't rub it in.  At least I proved that you can use a
companion program to encode attachments and insert MIME headers for
attachments to be sent with NetMail. In this case  I used BASE64.EXE
to do the job.  It did do the job, but it misidentified the type of
file.  When I received it with NetMail I was able to decode it and view
the image correctly.  I will do some more experimentation and use some
different encoders, but I'll send the stuff to myself instead of to the
list.  I'll let you guys know what works and what doesn't.

BTW, the BANG.GIF you sent to the list was not displayed correctly within
InSight, but when accessed by Arachne as a local file in CACHE I was
able to see it with all it's sparkling splendor.  I have noticed that
JPG images are rendered correctly for me within InSight.  Are GIFs seen
correctly by anyone within InSight?

Sam Heywood
-- This mail was written by user of The Arachne Browser - http://arachne.cz/

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