On Sun, 18 Mar 2001 00:35:20 -0500, Samuel W. Heywood wrote:

> supports "dynamic DNS adressing".  If you can use LSPPP with your modem,
> then you should be able to connect with Arachne to any ISP supporting dynamic
> DNS addressing.  By using LSPPP I can connect to my ISP with Arachne without
> even indicating the DNS numbers anywhere in any of my config files.  LSPPP
> supports dynamic DNS addressing.  EPPPD does not.  If you tell them that your
> dial up program doesn't support dynamic DNS addressing, then they would
> probably understand why you need to know the DNS numbers, and they would
> probably gladly provide you with such information.

Maybe not, Sam. I've had ISP support personel who didn't know anything
except Windows and they *refused to believe* that any enduser would
need to know DNS numbers. And if they suspected that you were trying
to use "unsupported software" they would just tell you to upgrade to
something "more up to date".

Sometimes you have to make an "end run" around those kind of guys if
you don't have ready alternatives.

Sam Ewalt
Croswell, Michigan, USA
-- Arachne V1.70;rev.3, NON-COMMERCIAL copy, http://arachne.cz/

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