Hi one and all,

  Does anyone have the files from the Install Diskette for Win3.1X for the
Connectix QuickCam that you could/would send me as e-mail attachments??

  I went to www.quickcam.com(logitech) and downloaded the download for
Win3.1x yet it says I must now re-install the original Install files...

because my Install Diskette is old, (3 yrs), and hence a little corrupt,
and my floppy drive faulty, even when "treating" the Install Diskette with
Norton Disk Doctor And Norton disktool by covering the write-protect
with transparent tape, then transfering the files to a hard drive... I can
only get to 56% of the QuickCam installation... that's why I am asking if
anybody could and would send me these Install files via e-mail or if you
have or know an ftp site for them... 

thank-you in advance for any help rendered on this matter


DOS TCP/IP * <URL:http://www.ncf.ca/~ag221/dosppp.html>

DOS HTML servers:

1. look for "boa" -> <URL:http://www.fdisk.com/doslynx/>

or <URL:http://www.volks-pc.org/download/boa_dos/>

2. WATTCP FTP and Web server:

(binary:) ftp://dark.uwaterloo.ca/webserv.zip

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