Dan wrote:
>>I am one of those dedicated DOS users, with his favorite DOS games.  I
>>have a DOS game that plays well when shelled from arachne and can be
>>played via modem or direct null modem.  Here is the question.  Is there
>>a way to play the game live, via telnet, like com/ip allows in windows
>>3.x, 9x, or NT?  Might be quite a boon if there was a sime dgi scheme
>>that would allow that.

I've not made time to even check out the URL, but this may be what you want:




Well I just took a look, and since the pages are fairly graphically intense, here's
what you'll find at http://www.kali.net/js/software/dos.html

All software has a 15 minute time limit until you register 
http://www.kali.net/js/register/index.html , and registration permits unlimited
access to the Kali system; no need to watch the clock and worry about charges
ringing up on a credit card in the middle of a firefight. You just pay for your
Internet access, and a one time fee of $20 to Kali.


The requirements aren't high, but you will need at least: A 486/50 Mhz IBM-compatible
computer with a 14.4 Kbps modem or faster with a DOS PPP dialer such as the Klos
PPP driver. A 28.8 modem is recommended.

Please visit the Kali Software Distribution Partners 
http://www.kali.net/js/international/index.html .  Each company assists Kali in
the online distribution of the Kali software by maintaining an official Kali FTP site.

KaliDos 1.4a [200K] 1/17/97  ftp://ftp.kali.net/pub/kali/kalidos.exe

For those of you that live and breathe DOS, we haven't forgotten about you. 1.4A is the
latest version. Please note: you will need properly configured DOS PPP software, such
as the Klos PPP driver http://www.klos.com/get.pppshare.html , before you can play
games on Kali.

Important: Klos, developers of the Klos PPP driver, have recently changed their 
policy and require you to register and buy their software to use it. The only other 
that works consistantly with Kali is the Merit EtherPPP driver
ftp://ftp.merit.edu/internet.tools/ppp/dos/etherppp.zip . Directions on how to use it 
located here http://www.kali.net/content/software/meritppp.txt . 
Please be advised that Kali Technical Support does not provide support for this driver.

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