>I doubt joke.exe is it?  It's normally
>something.doc.lnk or something.doc.pif --- but I
>suppose its possible.  I've gotten the virus as a 1meg
>attechment...and of course it comes from different
>places, it's an email virus...once you're infected you
>automatically infect others.
> - W0rm

I can't recall receiving anything like that, can't recall anything like
"this document requires your opinion".  Biggest Snowhite message that I recall
was of the order of 38 KB, usual is 32 KB.  When a virus attachment is big like
1meg, that is really annoying.  Listowner of a medicinal herbs emailing list
reports getting a bundle of Sircam virus message with attachments ranging from
150 KB to 600 KB, annoying when they are so big.

Now I wonder what was that 161 KB message (mostly attachment, now deleted) I got
on or about last June 11 from [EMAIL PROTECTED] emailing list.  It even had
unsubscribe instructions.  I unsubscribed even though I never subscribed.  I
asked two people at realfight.com how I got that big message, but those messages
were undeliverable.  That attachment was not recognizable to me or any of my
software, probably some fancy Windows stuff.

Now from Sam Heywood:

   Yeah, JOKE.EXE is another one of those damn dwarves that
   are going around.  My sister gets them all the time.

   They ought to start prosecuting these idiots who keep
   spreading those viruses around.  Regardless of whether
   they are doing it knowingly or unknowingly there is no
   excuse for this behavior.  People should be held
   responsible for their actions, regardless of whether
   they are deliberately or unknowingly doing something
   wrong.  If ignorance is to be accepted as an excuse for
   sending out viruses, then ignorance ought to accepted as
   an excuse for everything else that people do that is
   wrong.  If a cop catches me running a red light then he
   should pull me over and issue me a citation, even if the
   cop believes my excuse that I wasn't paying attention and
   I didn't notice the red light.  Getting the traffic
   ticket will teach me a lesson that I need to pay more
   careful attention to my driving.  This actually happened
   to me once.  The cop really did believe my story that I
   was paying so much attention to the three pretty girls I
   saw standing on the corner that I didn't even notice the
   red light indicating I should stop.  He understood
   perfectly well that I was not deliberately violating the
   law.  The cop gave me the ticket anyway and he himself
   admitted that those girls were good enough to distract
   even the most careful observers of red lights.  (BTW, that
   is not even the rest of the story.)

   As for these idiots that are always sending out email
   viruses, the authorities should start slapping some fines on
   them.  That ought to put a stop to it.
(end of quote)

What about prosecuting those idiots who put out email/news software that opens
and runs attachments in the default settings?  It's too much to expect a dumb
Windows user to patch a system full of security holes, especially when he or she
is not warned beforehand by the vendor.

When you drive, you need to keep your attention on the road.  With a little less
luck, you could have crashed into another vehicle or pedestrian, and you would
have been at fault!

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