On Wed, 22 Aug 2001 00:47:35 +0200, Flip ter Biecht wrote:

> At 12:30 21-8-01 -0500, you wrote:

>>   >>On Mon, 20 Aug 2001 13:05:41 +0200, Flip ter Biecht wrote:
>>   >>
>>   >>> 1. Do you run arachne under windows? If not, the drivers provided by
>>   >>> windows will have to be installed in their DOS version (if exist).
> See the
>>   >>> listing in windows Control Panel -> system -> devices (or similar) ->
>>   >>> sound, for details on the soundcard. Maybe you can activate dos
> support
>>   >>> from there, too (but then only for windows' dos-box)
>>   >>
>>   >>I have found that in the case of two PCs, each having a WinModem
>>   >>and Windows 95 installed, I could not run Arachne unless I first
>>   >>start up Windows and then click
>>   >>Neither of these machines could run Arachne in native DOS mode, nor
>>   >>could they run Arachne from within a "DOS box".  On these machines
>>   >>Arachne would run only in the "restarted in MS-DOS mode".
>>   >
>>   >Is that not just a lack of memory? What's the mem/c output? Does the
> modems
>>   >com port exist?

>>   The problem has nothing to do with memory.  The problem is that
>>   the modem will not respond to any command issued to it from
>>   within a "DOS-box", regardless of available free DOS memory.

>>    Sam Heywood

> That sounds familiar to me. I introduced my modem to the list last january;
> it's a e-tech pci56RWM and it's driver had to be activated for dos-support
> from the control-panel -> system -> devices dialog box. If yours does run
> after windows though, it seems to be some initialisation problem. Does the
> comport exist in the dos-box?

When running DOS-based modem diagnostic programs from within the
"DOS-box" the existence of the modem isn't even recognized.  When
issuing DOS commands directly to the modem nothing will happen.
For example, "echo ATDT1234567 > com1" will not cause the modem to
dial, even though the modem does exist on COM1.  If I enter the
same command from a "restarted in MS-DOS mode" it works.  All my
other DOS-based communications programs, including Arachne, will
also work in the "restarted" mode.

> BTW, there appear to be gradations in losemodems: some rely on windows
> drivers for all tasks, and some have a hardware processor of their own, but
> just no hardware comport. I've been told that the latter may function with
> up to date linuces, which would implicate that a standardised driver may
> exist.

Yes, some losemodems are worse than others.  Some are no damn good and
others are almost good.

Sam Heywood
-- This mail was written by user of The Arachne Browser - http://arachne.cz/

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