At 04:03 PM 10/31/01 +0800, you wrote:
>anarkissed wrote:
> >I see I should insert the !doc type header
>Just use it when validating, then delete it.
>There are documented instances of the biggest
>baddest browser tripping up when it's included,
>but not otherwise.
>Oh dear, I'm encouraging you to accommodate
>Explorer's shortcomings.
>W3C standards vs. the rich tapestry (or poisoned
>mire) of the real Net.

Now I'm cornfuzzled.  I write my html with nothing but the barest amount of 
code necessary to get the page to show as I want it to.  This means the 
header is nearly empty.  Since my preferred browser on my primary machine 
is IE6.0, I'd say it DOESN'T need that doctype line!  Does Arachne require 
it or not?

For a country to be free it's citizens must have a way to defy unjust 
laws.  The new electronic snooping devices are a step in the direction of 
fascism.  Consequently I am appending the following Carnivore Confusion 
noise to all outgoing email:
"Allah; America; Anthrax; arms; bomb; border; capitalist; communicate; 
customs; death; delivery;  economic; imperialist; jihad; plane; PGP; 
rendevous; trucks; war; weapons; U.S.A.;
end transmission

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