(I've been trying before to get through, but I guess this "list hiatus" was
in the way.) 
Unfortunately I'm no longer in CZ to fix things on the Quick connection,
but I'm still left with one question: Does anyone know about the line
charge on 0971103333 (CZ)? (It's a nationwide dialin number, one of 6 hits
on it with google actually points to an arachne-digest page on which
Christof proudly announces the first connection to it with lsppp; good
thing, these digests on http, although it's bound to blow my newsgroup
aliases someday...)
Someone seems to have told my friend in C. Krumlov that Quick charges
differently for foreign surfing destinations, and although I don't have a
clue about technical possibilities, it occurs to me that the absence of a
wwwproxy might have something to do with it (And using a "far east" proxy
might be countereffective on the phonebill).

So, Christof, how is the phonebill in CZ?


At 21:33 2-11-01 +0800, you wrote:
>>>Second: Quick doesn't offer a proxy server. Are these available from other 
>>Do a search for "Fravia" and see what he says. You'll then search for
>>"free proxy server" and probably use one in the Far East. The well-known
>>anonymizer proxies are usually too busy.

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