L.D. Best wrote:
> However, anyone who has 800 messages in the INbox is not a user!  That
> person is an abuser, far worse than I who have more sorting folders than
> can be seen on two screens -- far worse than I who have close to 300
> messeages in the SENT area waiting to be culled and/or moved.

As one abuser to another, possibly junior abuser ,<g>
> On Sat, 10 Nov 2001 03:19:47 -0400, Clarence Verge wrote:
> > Also seems to me that core is the thing interpreting both hotkey "I"
> > and the button argument file://inbox.dgi Seems they do not resolve
> > to the same thing. i.e. ok, Insight re-creates the index when core
> > exercises the line in mime.cfg. That's fair.
> > But shouldn't core check to see if the index exists first ?
> > It seems do that on the "I" hotkey. :)
> Struggle through what I wrote up above, if you can.

Took some serious effort there. :)

>  Simply because you
> see "file://indox.dgi" appear on the URL line after doing something in
> InSight does *NOT* mean that is all that has been done.  InSight can
> create a new index file, place it in cache, and have it waiting for
> core.exe to find there when inbox.dgi is actually executed.

Yes and no. Yes is ONLY theoretical.   First, Insight does NOTHING unless
core tells it to (as Glenn pointed out) by exercising the line in mime.cfg.
Currently, it always creates a new index when that line is exercised, whether
it needs to or not. 

I submit that theoretically a flag could be set by Insight whenever a file is
moved or deleted indicating that the current index is now invalid, and ONLY if
the index is missing or invalid should a new one be created the _next_ time
inbox.dgi is exercised.

Ok, it would be less of a problem if I spent time cleaning up my HD instead
of writing this crap. <G>

> WARNING:  Every word written by me above could be absolutely positively
> wrong, totally inaccurate, and laughingly ignorant.  But that's what I
> understand after a few weeks (400 or so??) of struggling to gain an
> understanding of Arachne.

As you are abundantly aware, an accurate and detailed understanding of
Arachne is hard to come by and _requires_ this kind of discussion. ;-)

-  Clarence Verge
-  Help stamp out FATWARE.  As a start visit: http://home.arachne.cz/
-  The internet is infected - Windows is a VIRUS !!

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