Does anyone on the list have an IBM Netvista pc with windows ME
installed?  I just purchased on to replace my troubled HP Pavilion.  I
installed Arachne and something unusual happened...a message came up and
said that I did not have enough memory.  Its a new machine!!  Went ahead
with the installation and got it working and dialing my modem, but it is
very very slow....
I also decided to buy a hard disk changer so I could have separate hd
for windoze, linux and my dos stuff.  The machine came from Tiger Direct
and the manual that came with the machine is not the most detailed
thing.  I can't figure out how to get to the bios setup.  Its not like
the HP.  The disk changer needs to confirm that primary master is set to
Auto and primary slave set to none.  There is nothing in the help files
to tell me how to do this.  If I had a second hd and had it set up as
slave, would I still need to set it up in the bios?  Man, I thought I
was doing the right thing by getting this disk changer and IBM.....hope
I can still get it set right...(with your help)
Neil T

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