
Using 1.70R3, I went to Yahoo help from both the and pages 
and had no crashes.  Even went to some of the specialized "help" areas.

Conspicuous by its absence is any e-mail address for Yahoo.

Roger Turk
Tucson, Arizona  USA

Clarence Verge wrote:

. > Slightly more seriously, I think I found why that particular help page
. > crashes Arachne. It doesn't crash NS2.2 so I can view the page source.

. > I could be wrong regarding this as cause for crash, but this is certainly
. > stupid.  The a**holes have a link to an image <img src> that's https !!

. > Anyway, there are no feedback links to be found there, so don't bother.
. > If you ever DO find one, forward this message to them. :((

. > -  Clarence Verge

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