Hi Clarence et al,

(was that BIG AL or wee al?)

Right Clarence, that's 1.70 re-installed on the machine and more or less
working in a very basic mode.

Tell me [again!, I know you've doen it before] about the setting the
TEMP files please?

My Goad, I'm not a newbie, just dumb I reckon, I should be able to do
this, - - - aaaah! it's called having "senior moment" nowadays, when LD
gets to 35 we'll all find out about "senior moments" GRIN!

I still worry about how all this looks to newbies! Thing goes in a treat
now, fires up, even with a DOS running under w95 or 98 setup, but we
can't get basic simple stuff like a

"send and Recieve all Mail" 

button or command to work without a lot of finagles! OK I know it might
not be basic simple to implement, but there you go.

At least it's easier to del rach and re-install if you keep the exe file
in a separate bit ob the HDD.


-- This mail was written by user of The Arachne Browser - http://arachne.cz/

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