We had a very nice commercial on Dutch TV called "The miracle from the
tap"... showing a small child discovering the beauty and miracle of the
water from a garden tap. It is cool, splattering in the sunlight and you
cann't cath it. Running away from your hands if you try to grab it...
but it flows, flows and flows.
Yes... there are miracles... just keep your eyes open and enjoy.


On Tue, 11 Dec 2001 12:32:40 -0600, anarkissed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Miracles.

> That first long swallow of clean fresh water when you wake in the
> morning.  Is anything more sublime?  Crisp and cool and clear, it is a
> miracle to turn a knob and see it flow without restriction, without flaw,
> perfect into a clean glass.  To lift it to your lips and taste it's bright
> health.

> Being wrapped in towels, skin and hair sweet smelling, warm house wrapped
> all around you.  quet, dry, clean and soft.  If only everyone could enjoy 

> A Mandarin orange, all the way from tropical China to the frozen north of
> Canada.  Fresh, sweet, wrapped in little green tissure squares.  The skin
> peels like candy and the juice squirts on your tongue like the honey of
> angels.  How on earth do we get them here and in such vast quantities that
> even the lowliest of our people can enjoy them?

> Fresh spinach in winter.  It's green, it's crisp, it puts color in your
> cheeks and in your dish.  Lay it under your fried eggs (another little
> miracle) and sprinkle it in your soup.  Cram it in your mouth and feel your
> vitamin starved body rejoice.

> Turkeys in the mail.
> Oh my god.  Turkey in the mail?  No way!  Yes way.  Turkey in the male from
> a man named Carol.
> That's a miracle.  Open the package, smell it, cooked and hickory smoked,
> lable from Hollmans.  Never heard of them here in Canada but my neighbors
> tell me they're the best.  Open the bag and take a slice, still frozen,
> feel it melt on my tongue, sweet and salty and good.  It really came in the
> mail.  When I was told that a turkey could be mailed I laughed.  I was sure
> it would rot enroute, this was preposterous beyond my comprehension.  I am
> gloriously proved wrong.  Ah, sometimes it's a miracle to be wrong, a
> lovely tasty wonderful miracle.  Thankyou Carol, you're the most gracious
> King of proving a point I've ever met!

> May the Solstice rising bring to you and all you love, you who read this
> and especially you Carol, all the beauty of a bright blue sky over a
> sparkling white tree limmned in hoarfrost on a December morning.  When it
> rises to start the new year, newly born in the sun's cycle and ready to
> face the next millenium, may it bring fortune, grace and wisdom into your
> soul and your heart.
> Next time you pick up a glass of clear clean water, marvel with me at this
> miracle.  So few of us earthings actually share it.
> Peace.

> --
> For a country to be free it's citizens must have a way to defy unjust
> laws.  The new electronic snooping devices are a step in the direction of
> fascism.  Consequently I am appending the following Carnivore Confusion
> noise to all outgoing email:
> "Allah; America; Anthrax; arms; bomb; border; capitalist; communicate;
> customs; death; delivery;  economic; imperialist; jihad; plane; PGP;
> rendevous; trucks; war; weapons; U.S.A.;
> end transmission

-- Arachne V1.61, NON-COMMERCIAL copy, http://arachne.cz/

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