Sam Heywood wrote:

> On Sat, 15 Dec 2001 13:10:54 +0100, Stephane Roth wrote:

> <snip>

>> Now , Samuel , could you please look at your config.sys/autoexec.bat
>> ( not only the regular ones , but the special config files you can see
>> the
>> properties of the MS-DOS mode restart box under Win 9x ) and there
>> you should see the DOS driver(s) for your modem listed .


> Maybe Windows automagically installed a special set of dos drivers
> for use with the re-started mode when I installed the modem.  If you
> will give me exact instructions on the procedures covering what I
> should click on and look for, then maybe I can find out about what
> you want to know.
> <snip>

There may be one or two explanations for that:

First of all, there is a *third* configuration file which is optional on
Win9x machines, but gets executed every time when the system is restarted
in MS-DOS mode. Its name is "dosstart.bat" and resides in the Windows

A second explanation is that you're maybe dealing with a hardware modem
which can't be configured in any way but Plug'n Play. Since plain DOS can't
do that, and there is a good chance for BIOS to fail when trying to
configure it, (if it tries, at least), Windows is totally responsible for
assigning the modem the port and IRQ it should use.

The modem does *not* get configured when booting into straight DOS and,
consequently does not know what COM port and IRQ should use. Windows tells
it these things and it knows them only when you restart into MS-DOS mode   

These settings evaporate when you shut down the computer.

You're probably missing the necessary utilities that allow modem
configuration under DOS. 

Cristian Burneci



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